New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement NZCFTA
ALERT July 31 2023:
We are aware of a recent issue with the use of certain units of measurement for outer packaging under the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement. We have been working closely with the New Zealand Customs Service and the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China to resolve this in a way that satisfies all parties.
We have been advised that when declaring goods are packaged in cartons, bales, boxes, bags and other similar types of outer packaging, the use of the unit of measurement NMB (Number) in Box 12 is no longer accepted. The correct unit of measurement for these types of outer packaging is NMP (Number of Packs). NMB should be used for large, single-storage items such as a car or heavy machinery.
If you use the ChamberDocs website to create your Certificates of Origin, please change your unit of measurement in the drop-down menu under the header Quantity Units on the NZ-China FTA Certificate of Origin webform. If you use a third-party provider such as TradeWindow’s Prodoc, or BSM, please contact them directly to action this change.
If you have any questions, please contact our International department by email at [email protected].
Full text of the NZ China Free Trade Agreement
'Annex 5 Product Specific Rules of Origin' Schedule of Product Specific Rules applicable for exports to China to qualify for preference under the New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement
NZ China FTA Upgrade 7 April 2022
Appendix 1 - New Chapter 4 "Rules of Origin and Operational Procedures" This chapter explains how goods qualify as being of New Zealand origin and documentation required to claim preference.
Announcement of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China 32 2022 : Official English Translation not yet published (20.5.2022). This document sets out the administrative procedures for goods imported from New Zealand under the NZCFTA.
Decree of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China No.175:
Full text of Decree 175 : This document sets out the administrative procedures in China for goods imported from New Zealand under NZCFTA. Detail is provided regarding the supporting documents required by China Customs (GACC) at the time of import.
NZ Customs Fact Sheet - Importing into New Zealand from China:
Article 9 of the 'New Chapter 4' and Article 14 of Announcement 32, 2022, set out the limitations on transport of goods between the parties.
Under Article 9 GACC may request evidence of compliance. The transport documents should satisfy this requirement, however GACC may still include a request for a CNM. As CNM are not issued retrospectively.
Seek advice from your freight forwarder prior to goods leaving New Zealand and if necessary ‘book’ a CNM inspection at the interim port in advance of the goods arrival. Note that CNM are not available at all ports. The importer will need to make enquires at their local China Customs office to confirm requirements for the actual scenario.
Hong Kong: Contact Hong Kong Customs
Since December 2016 the data of each NZCFTA Certificate of Origin (CO) transmits automatically via New Zealand Customs to China Customs as it is certified and is auto-matched to the data in the importer's Import Declaration. The data in an Import Declaration is required to correspond exactly to the data on the nominated NZCFTA CO to enable successful completion of an Import Declaration.
Importer reporting 'NZCFTA CO data missing'?:
Please email: [email protected] and quote the NZCFTA CO number. The China Customs database will be checked and we will send you a screenshot verifying the data is correctly active. Any difference in data between the NZCFTA CO data and the import entry data will return an error. In rare cases the NZCFTA CO may need to be replaced due to a technical issue in the Customs JEVS system.
Since 1 October 2016 the NZCFTA CO number has been required to be recorded on the corresponding NZ Customs Export Entry. The NZCFTA CO number is not required to obtain a customs export delivery order. When a certificate is replaced, the Export Entry is required to be amended to record the active NZCFTA CO number. NZ Customs Announcement.
Available six ports: Guangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Tianjin.
The General Administration of China Customs (China Customs) and the New Zealand Customs Service established procedures in July 2013 to allow for the clearance of New Zealand goods held in Special Customs Controlled Areas and Bonded Warehouses in China and declared for part release into the domestic market. Information on accessing Bonded Storage Facilities under NZCFTA
Since 1 June 2018 new manifest rules for imports and exports apply. Note that this also applies to goods being transhipped at ports in China.
Enterprise codes are required for both the consignee and consignor. This may be the Tax/GST/VAT, Company Registration and/or Chamber of Commerce number. Text of GACC Announcement No 56 2017
Update: November 2021. The requirement made on 1 April 2017 for both Gross Weight and Quantity (with their respective units) to be provided in Box 12 on the NZ China FTA Certificate of Origin (NZCFTA COO) no longer applies. The exporter may provide either Gross Weight or Quantity, or both (as specified on the NZCFTA CO form). Both may still be requested by an importer for packaged goods.
Net Weight in Box 9: China Customs confirmed from April 2017 that Net Weight may be required on the NZCFTA COO for some goods. If your importer has requested that you provide the Net Weight, this is to be added to the Goods Description in Box 9. The Gross Weight is to be given in Box 12.